

Der Derreiseführer > Guides > Europa > Vatikanstadt

Bilder von Vatikanstadt

St Peter's Square, Rome

St Peter's Square, Rome

Source: Thinkstock

Copyright: Photodisc / Thinkstock

St Peter statue, St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

St Peter statue, St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Source: Thinkstock

Copyright: Pixland / Jupiter Images / Thinkstock

Vatican City

Vatican City

Source: Thinkstock

Copyright: John Foxx / Stockbyte / Thinkstock

Statues, St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Statues, St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Source: Thinkstock

Copyright: Pixland / Jupiter Images / Thinkstock

St Peter's Square, Vatican City

St Peter's Square, Vatican City

Source: www.123rf.com

Copyright: 123rf.com

A stairway in the Vatican museums

A stairway in the Vatican museums

Source: Creative Commons

Copyright: Creative Commons / Sebastian Bergmann